NDE 4.0 Ethics Panel – Roundtable Discussion with NDE 4.0 Influencers | Episode 11
- Ripi Singh, Tracie Clifford, Matt Litschewski
In this episode…

Just One Skill That Matters?
There is only one skill that matters.
Really? It is the…

Managing Risk in an Innovation Project – Part 2
Can you see the role of human factors in a gate review?

What Might be the Next Revolution?
Oh Really?
We have defined the digital-physical integration…

Is it time for Industry 5.0?
Oh Really?
While most of us are still getting our hands around…

Can Industry 4.0 Bring 6th Sense to Inspection Activity?
Oh Really?
Human ability to see when something is failing…

Has anyone ever built muscles by taking a tour of the gym?
Bringing innovation into an organization culture…
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Dr. Ripi Singh
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